This is a quick update on planting and emergence of first-planted corn fields:

First-Planted Corn/Soybean Fields:

The corn and soybeans planted on April 11-13th have, or are, emerging.  See photos below:

    (second corn photo was taken on 5/1)

The corn planted April 11-13 appears to coming through in good shape from our observations.  It only took two-and-a-half weeks for this to emerge, which is very much ‘not-the-norm’ historically for those planting dates.  It will take that amount of time, or slightly more, for the corn planted April 22-25 to emerge.  The reason for this is in the graphs below:

The first graph shows the daily average temperature departure from January 1st to May 6th.  Not the warmer than average temperatures through Feb/Mar and into middle of April.  The second graph shows daily soil temperature departure from normal from January 1 to May 6th.  This shows that we never experienced a hard-freeze and this allowed the soil temperatures to start out warmer than average and help maintain that into April, as was mentioned at the Crop Shop in March.  Note the strong soil temperatures in front half of April, this allowed the crop planted April 11-13 to get off to a fast start….In contrast, note the lack of the same heat from April 20th on….daily temps and soil temps have been normal during this time frame…which has slowed crop emergence down.

Planting Progress:

After a rapid planting pace from April 21-25th, corn/soybean planting has been stopped, or has been hit-and-miss, over the past 7-9 days.  It has been many years since we have seen conditions turn this wet.  Water is standing in places that we haven’t seen for quite some time….

The charts below give us a sense of why this is….

The first chart is average temperature rank by climate districts from April 7 to April 26.  Our climate district had the 31st hottest out of 132 years during this time period.  The second chart shows the average temperature rank by climate district from April 20 to May 5th.  Our climate district, during this time period, was 67th hottest out of 132 years….very much the normal as reflected in the graphs discussed above.

The third chart shows total precipitation rank by climate district from April 7 to May 5.  This gives us a sense of how wet conditions are, as we are experiencing the 7th wettest out of 132 years during this past month.  As mentioned above, this is something we have not seen for quite some years…

Current GDU Accumulation:

Planting Date:       2024 GDU       Normal GDU

April 12                    173                     174

April 22                    95                     103

Considerations for Planting moving forward:
  1. The recent rains have come heavy enough to cause quite of bit of washouts – both of rows and silted in bottoms.  This too, is something that we have not seen on such a wide basis for quite some time.  We have received many calls on this; however, any replant decision really must wait until crop emergence to fully understand the scope of any potential replant.  Running a harrow can help in those spots with exposed kernels….while not ideal by any means, this has helped in keeping adequate stands without having to replant.
  2. Best management practices to consider if conditions stay wet:
    1. Any tillage ahead of the planter should be no more than what can get planted that day…this eliminates having to re-open ground to dry out if rains keep occurring, which leads to more ‘rocky’ soil conditions.
    2. Keep in mind sidewall compaction in the heavy soils moving forward.  The tendency is to go out 1-2 days too early, before soil conditions are ready.  Under these conditions in years’ past, we have noticed plant stands improving each day after the first day back out….the first fields planted after a rainy period are usually the fields that struggle the most to emerge and have full stands, vs. each day after that first day back in the field.
    3. We are still in the window for full yield on corn planting.   We don’t reach significant yield reduction from planting date until we reach mid-May and after.
    4. Research has shown that it is best to stay with planned hybrids, regardless of maturity, through the later-half of May.  Best performance is still to be found in planting mid-to-full season hybrids through May 22nd in our area.  Corn has a natural tendency to adapt during the growing season to planting dates.  See link below for more information. One should not be too ready to change maturity until after May 20th…best things to watch are silking dates & GDU’s to maturity, on the hybrids you are planting.
  3. Keep in mind that the recent rains will lead to greatly increased potential for crusting.  One can already tell areas where the crust is starting to harden.  It takes approximately 120-130 GDU’s for corn emergence (given average soil temperatures)….the corn (and soybeans) planted April 22 and after, will start to emerge next week.  Check for potential crusting issues beginning over this weekend with the heat that is predicted.  One will want to be slightly ahead of any potential emergence with water if needed….
  4. The recent rains will also cause the top to be more ‘fine textured’, leading to increased risk of sifting and blowing in areas where residue is reduced…again, this is something we haven’t had to deal with for some time….

Delayed Planting Considerations – Central Corn Belt

Please reach out to us with any questions on hybrids, maturity, planting conditions, etc., moving forward.  Hopefully, we catch another window for planting starting end of this week in the heavy soils!  Stay safe and have a productive continued planting season!

Starman Seed Service, Inc.

It comes as no surprise, that the most important piece of equipment on your operation is the planter.   In anything we do, a good foundation is critical to achieving our goals, whether that is raising a family…or a crop.  For  our crop, planting time is where that foundation gets established through accurate depth, spacing, etc.

Below are some links to articles, video, & the Pioneer plantability website, that can help with planting accuracy….

Pioneer Plantability Website – Here

Understanding Corn Seed Sizing

Planting Accuracy Guidelines for Pioneer Corn

2024 Pioneer Corn Plantability Guide

Plantability Website QR Code:  Use this QR code to get planter vacuum pressure settings for the seed size you are planting….enter by batch # found on the seed tag.

Below is a nice video on use of Talc/Graphite to improve planter accuracy….6-7 minutes…worth watching!….

Video link – How to Achieve Optimum Corn Planting Accuracy

Please reach out to us with any questions you may have on seed size, plantability questions, etc…..

Have a safe and successful planting season!  Thank you for the business!


Starman Seed Service, Inc.

With the 2024 planting season fast approaching, we wanted to give a quick update as we begin thinking about planting.  Keep in mind that planting conditions (be it soil temperature, soil moisture, crop residue) will be much different than what we have experienced the past couple of years.   Soil temperatures this spring will warm up quickly as soon as we get a ‘warm spell’ to come through.  Along with higher soil temperatures, overall soil moisture for planting is also much wetter than the past two years; and crop residue should be more manageable this year, as this past late-fall and winter has led to increased residue breakdown as compared to past few years….tilled fields look much darker this spring before planting than the past few years…

Topics for this Update:

  • Early Spring conditions and weather outlook…
  • Cold soils and Corn/Soybean Emergence & Disease…
  • Things to Keep in Mind when Planting Early…
  • Plant First & Hybrid Stress Emergence Ratings…


Let’s begin by taking a look at a few weather maps to put things into perspective as we plan to begin planting.  Below are the temperature and precipitation forecast maps for the 6-10 day, 8-14 day and one-month periods.

Issue date on these maps is April 3rd.  Trends appear to be for warmer and drier conditions beginning early-next week through the 17th.  If this holds true, 4″ soil temperatures (currently in the low-40’s), should warm up fairly rapidly.  Coupled with good soil moisture at planting depths (due to recent rain and snowfall), this should allow for quick (and hopefully even) germination.  Open question is just how wet soil conditions will be when planting begins….however, from these maps, initial trends look positive.

Here are the 0ne-month forecast maps for the month of April, issued on March 31st.  As with all of the maps, one should look at them with ‘a-grain-of-salt’, but here too, trends look warmer with higher chances for moisture.  As discussed at the Crop Shop meeting in March, bottom line is to have equipment, etc., ready to go when a warm period shows up, as this will be a good time to get some seed in the ground….see emergence discussion below….


Optimal soil temperatures for planting corn is 50 degrees and above.   Imbibition of cold water can lower germination rates and cold soil temperatures can delay emergence allowing for more diseases to set into the seedling.  If temperatures go as predicted above, we have a good chance for rapid soil temperature improvement, however, it will still take 4-5 days of such temperatures to reach minimal planting temperatures, especially on a consistent basis, so one will want to allow for a couple of warm days before dropping planter in the ground (as always, what the nighttime temperatures will be is the key thing here).  Here is a quick look at how a seed germinates.  Imbibition of soil water happens within the first 48 hours and is why it is critical to plant when soil conditions and soil temperatures are right.  Main point to keep in mind, is that the best time to plant is heading into a 2-4 day warm temperature period right after planting.  Most reduced stands occur when planting into a cold spell, or before giving the soil temperatures time to warm up some right after a cold period….remember, soil temps are currently colder than normal for this time of year.   See link below for more info.

Soil Temperature and Cold Emergence


This graph helps explain days to emergence that it takes for both corn and soybeans when soil temps are at different levels. When soil temps are at 50-55 degrees it could take 3 weeks to see emergence. The next graph shows why we recommend planting soybeans early – it’s to maximize our flowering and podding days to allow for more time (days) for pods to set.



Soybean Emergence:

Imbibitional Phase:

  • Happens less than 24 hours; typically 8-12 hours. After imbibitional phase ends, the risk of chilling injury also ends.

Osmotic Phase:

  • A much slower uptake of water occurs. Seedlings can be more tolerant to soil temps as low as 35-40 degrees. Will increase days of emergence and increase risk of soil borne pathogens if soil is cool.

Corn Emergence:

Wait to plant until soil is at 50-55 degrees

  • Kernel moisture = 10-12% @ planting
  • Imbibition of soil water
  • Kernel moisture = 30%
  • Soil at 50-55oF
  • Enzymes:  starch -> sugar

Typically 80 GDU’s: radicle emergence

Typically 130 GDU’s: plant emergence


 With cool and possibly wet soils, come increase risk of early season diseases. Below are a few pictures of the common early season diseases and fungicides that are rated good to excellent. To the right you will see our seed treatment package with MOA against those diseases.  Keep in mind that Pioneer has the industry-leading seed treatments on corn and soybeans.  No company has more active ingredients.   We have seen the difference over the past few years!



  • Fluctuating soil temperatures can cause imbibitional seed chilling, erratic emergence and cold temperature injury
  • Average last freeze date:  3rd-4th week in April for Central Nebraska…
  • Seed Soil Contact is key to fast emergence and stand establishment…..soils that are too wet can lead to side wall compaction, crusting and poor seed to soil contact.  In dry conditions, it gets more difficult to get good seed/soil contact as air pockets are increased due to loose and crumbly soil structure.
  • Herbicide injury can occur more often in cool, wet soils where the plant isn’t growing at an optimal pace.
  • Planting Depth….Optimum planting depth is 1 1/2 to 2″, with 2″ best under normal conditions as this is best for optimal nodal root development.  Soil temperature fluctuates more in the top 1” = one reason why we plant at 1 1/2  to 2″ deep.   Never plant shallower than 1 1/2″ and we see no reason to go deeper than 2 1/2″.   Always err on the deeper side vs. the shallow side for depth.  More bushels are lost from too shallow than too deep planting.   Optimum soybean planting for soybeans is 1-2″…err on the deeper side under cold conditions.
  • Plant populations….Consider increasing population drop under heavy residue and cooler conditions.  This is especially so for soybeans….if planting in April consider bumping up seed drop by 10% to offset adverse weather conditions….even more needed if planting in April and no-tilling.  Most of the time any replant discussions would’ve been eliminated had seed drop been bumped up at planting.
  • Soybean planting date:   UNL research shows that you can lose up to ½ bu of yield potential per day after May 1st. Just remember the earlier you can plant you maximize the days of flowering and pod set to give you more time for re-flowering and setting more pods. (Refer to pic toward top)
  • Soybean seeding rate: we recommend 140,000-160,000 seeding rates. This seems to give us a good compromise between seed cost and potential loss from storms or other unforeseen events. Here are a few scenarios to consider when looking at seeding rates:
  • See links below for more planting time info…

Corn Planting Depth and Spacing

9 Steps to a Perfect Corn Stand

Preseason Planter Checklist


One of the most frequently asked question is “What product should I plant first?”  With the cooler soil temperatures normally experienced at the beginning of planting, we believe that it is important to start with a hybrid that shows strong emergence and early vigor.  The below bullet points show our recommendations for “plant first” products if soil temps are cool. The hybrids are listed by maturity not by how well they emerge.  These are products that have shown to have strong emergence and early vigor over the past several seasons.  Selecting one of these hybrids to start with can help provide the best chance for optimum emergence when soil temperatures are cooler at the start of planting.   However, considering how fast our soils can warm up, and if one is planting into a warm stretch, we don’t have an issue with starting with most any hybrid…key is the first 48-72 hours after planting.  Keep in mind the 2-5 day forecast ahead of anytime you are planting.  Remember also, that we will continue to experience soil temperature fluctuations as we go through planting….whether planting in April or May….

  • 105-109 CRM – P0404, P05466*, P0622*, P0859, ,P09944*, P0924
  • 110-118 CRM – P1082, P1164*, P1122, P1170, P1278, P13050*, P13476Q*, P1413, P1563, 17677
  • * – very strong emergence….


You can have confidence in the Stress Emergence scores from Pioneer as they use their own proprietary stress test.  The Pioneer Stress Test (PST) is the highest stress level test in the industry which induces cold shock levels not likely to occur unless you would be planting under extended cold conditions!   These tests are replicated numerous times from seed harvest thru planting.  Replications help reduce variability.  Also, Pioneer field calibrates the results of PST scores in numerous plots throughout the Midwest each year so a PST score can be turned into real world stand establishment values.

Specifics of the Pioneer Stress Test

  • The Pioneer Stress Test (PST) is a proprietary vigor test used on all Pioneer brand corn products.
  • It was developed in early 2000s as an improvement upon the saturated cold test.
  • The Pioneer Stress Test imposes extreme imbibitional chilling and anaerobic stresses, beyond that of the saturated cold test.
  • PST remains a competitive advantage for Pioneer; Hence protocol and scores are not published
  • Stress Emergence scores are the best way to differentiate products for early stand establishment under stress

Please contact us with any questions or comments you may have.  Thank you for your business!!

Starman Seed Service, Inc.







  • GDU/Weather Update
  • Corn – Soybean condition & Early Harvest trends…

GDU/Weather Update:

As of September 20th, we have accumulated approximately the following for Growing Degree Units in 2023:

Planting Date     GDD’s2023          Average GDD     Departure from average

April 17                   2985                            2888                              +97 (+6 days)

April 26                  2940                            2829                              +111 (+6 days)

May 9                     2810                             2720                               +90 (+5 days)

June 1                     2447                            2435                                +12 (even)

We have continued to gain ground on GDU’s since the last update on Sep 6 by a day or so.  All early planting dates have reached even GDU’s to finish the crop.  June dates still need some time.

The 6-10 and 8-14 day temperature and precipitation forecast maps are all showing above normal temperatures and precipitation.  Above normal temps are much needed for drydown but the precipitation forecasts may slow harvest down for much of what’s left for September.

Corn – Soybean Conditions…

  • Most of the April/May planting dates have reached black layer, or are very close to doing so.  The June planting dates on corn still need 10 days yet…
  • So far corn staygreen is holding up in most fields, but the corn crop is starting lose its ‘luster’ now, especially after the last few warm days (which were much needed for finishing the crop and moving soybeans along).  Continue to monitor staygreen over next few weeks.  Monitor those fields that lose color the quickest over next few weeks as they will be the first ones to go after for harvest. 
  • Grain moisture drydown is dependent upon temperature and ear husk structure.  On average, it takes 15-20 GDU’s to lower grain moisture each point from 30% down to 25%, 20-25 GDU’s per point of moisture from 25% to 22% and 25-30 GDU’s per point from 22% to 20%.  A high of 75 degrees and a low of 55 degrees equate to 15 GDU’s, which should roughly take a point of moisture out per day when grain moisture’s are 25%+.  So temps in the mid-70’s for highs and mid-50’s for lows should take corn from 30% to 25% in a week’s time.
  • Early harvest moistures on dryland and early-maturity hybrids planted in April, are running mainly 22-28%.  This will vary of course by area and hybrid, but we can tell that the early maturity hybrids are starting to dry down somewhat, even in the irrigated….
  • Silage yields have been trending above normal overall…hearing a lot of low-30’s to high-30’sT/A for tonnage.  A local silage plot had a top yield of 40.4T/A from a new Pioneer hybrid, P17677Q.  Just a comment, usually good silage yields mean a good grain yield….not always, but starting out with high silage yields can’t hurt…
  • First few corn yields coming out of dryland are better than expected….over 150-180+ bushels from early yields.  P1413AM performing well early….
  • Same for dryland soybean yields….better than expected early trends….50’s-mid-60’s/A on average….depending upon rainfall, etc.
  • Not enough yields from irrigated, for both corn and soybeans, to get a trendline yet…mainly early-group II maturities coming out now on soybeans.
  • Soybean harvest moisture: There is an average yield reduction of 7-8% when going from 13% moisture to 8% moisture soybeans.  This means an average loss of 6 bushels/acre (using an 80 bu yield) just in moisture, along with potential reduction from header loss, etc.   The below chart shows the average yield lost from lower harvest moisture and delayed harvest over five year on-farm study from Pioneer.

All for now.  As harvest progresses, we will text out plot info and updates.  Have a safe and successful harvest!!

Starman Seed Service, Inc.






  • Growing Degree Unit Update/Weather Forecast
  • Corn/Soybean Update
  • Prioritizing Harvest….
  • New Corn Hybrids and Soybean Series for 2024…


As of September 6th, we have accumulated approximately the following for Growing Degree Units in 2023:

Planting Date     GDD’s2023          Average GDD     Departure from average

April 17                   2757                           2680                              +77 (+ 4 days)

April 26                  2712                            2621                              +91 (+ 4.5 days)

May 9                     2582                           2512                               +70 (+ 3.5 days)

June 1                     2219                           2227                                -8 (even)

The April planting dates all have GDU accumulation to mature almost all maturities.  The heat of the past week has allowed us to gain a little ground versus the average, but not as much as one would think considering the heat we had.  Much of the reason for that is because overnight lows were normal (low-to-mid-60’s), even though highs were in the mid-to-upper 90’s.  This is also one reason why the corn crop did move along stage-of-growth wise as one would’ve thought considering the heat.  However, temps have really cooled down, and are forecasted to be this way into next week, which will slow crop progression on both corn and soybeans.  See maps below.


The above maps are the 6-10 & 8-14 day forecast maps for temperature and precipitation.  As one can see from the maps, temps are forecasted to be normal to slightly below normal over the next 7-10 days with potential rebound in a week or so.  Precipitation forecast is normal to slightly above normal.  While this is a good trend, it won’t help drought conditions as normal moisture for this time of year is on the low end.   However, note the big cool area in the mid and eastern cornbelt.  Indiana, Ohio, Illinois had a very cool August as well….much cooler than we did.

Current Corn Conditions…..

  • Much of the corn crop is as follows:  April planting dates – 105-110 day hybrids 2/3-3/4 milk lines and 112-118 day 1/2 to 2/3.   Later planting dates are 1/4 to 1/2 for the most part.  Majority of crop is 1/2 to 2/3 milk line.   Most fields will take another 7-14 days to finish (especially with the cooler temps forecasted), meaning we are seeing an extended grain fill period since stage of growth is behind what the raw GDU numbers above show.
  • Considering the heat of the past week, staygreen in irrigated is holding up pretty well, but starting to see some ear droop on the irrigated (especially sands) along with typical very late-season N deficiency of lower leaves and normal plant senescence.  For the most part, the irrigated corn crop came through the heat in pretty good shape….
  • Sunlight:  Baring the last couple of smoky days, overall sunlight has been 6-8% above normal over the past week.  For the whole of grain fill (mid-July to now) we are right at normal.  First half of grain-fill below normal, last half above.  Sunlight has helped with grain color and test weight; however, I think any impact from reduced sunlight this year will show up in kernel depth and stalk strength.
  • Disease:  Since the last update, relative humidity was much below normal, especially over the weekend when RH’s were in the teens in some cases.  This contributed to very high ET rates however.   There has not been much for new corn diseases.  We continue to hear of new tar spot (just a few lesions) showing up in the counties to the east and SE of us, however.
  • Currently we are looking at a good quality irrigated corn crop….kernel depth and grain color look very good overall, much like normal.  Expectations are for good test weights in the irrigated as well as some dryland fields yet.
  • As one would expect, dryland corn is all-across-the-board….pockets of surprisingly good corn…….’the last three weeks have taken their toll’…
  • Many area fields are down to their last schedule for irrigation.  Keep in mind that 1/2 milk line corn requires 2.5″ to finish, more in hot weather.  ET rates last weekend were in the .45″ Saturday and Sunday.  The cool temps will greatly lower ET rates, but they will also slow crop progression.  If soil moisture profile is good to full on heavy soils, should have enough to finish the crop….sandy soils may need one more round later next week depending upon temps, etc.

Current Soybean Conditions…..

  • Soybeans are starting to turn in much of the area.  The early group II soybeans are moving along quickly now.  Many dryland corners and a few dryland fields may work late this week or next week, but cooler temps will delay this somewhat.
  • One note of interest….there is a difference in how fast soybeans are maturing between tilled and no-tilled fields.  Tilled fields are maturing quicker, even across varieties.  The same is true for the corn crop as well.  This is due to the fact that the tilled fields emerged quicker and and grew faster in the heat of June, whereas many no-tilled fields ‘sat’ so to speak early, and did not ‘take off’ until later.  This is just an observation with no comment on yield outcomes between the two.
  • Disease:  Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) has slowed down somewhat over the past week.  White Mold infestations, on the other hand, are some of the heaviest we have seen in 10+ years in our area.  By now most all area fields have some white mold infestation….with many having severe infestations.  While their are Pioneer fields with heavier white mold infestations, overall we have liked the tolerance for white mold that we are seeing in the Pioneer soybean lineup compared to competitors….both Enlist and Xtend varieties.  For more White Mold recommendations click here
  • The above charts help explain why we are seeing the heavier white mold.  The first chart shows the daily average temperature departure from normal for 2023.  Note the black square and just how cool July and early-August were….cool temps mean moisture, clouds, dew, etc.   The following two charts show daily relative humidity for 2023 and 2022.  Note again the black boxes on both, and just how high the RH was, and the extended time frame, of the relative humidity in 2023 vs. same time period in 2022, when white mold infestations were low.  All of these factors led to a perfect storm for white mold development.   Fungicide timing, product and varietal tolerance all play a role as well.
  • Dectes Stem Borer.  This insect enters the plant at a node and proceeds to ‘hollow out’ the stem leading to early plant death.   So far not much one can do in the way of management for this insect yet.  However, we are expecting to see heavier levels of this insect in our area versus the past few years.   Keep this in mind as harvest begins and progresses.
  • For more info see the following link….Dectes Stem Borer in Soybeans
  • Lodged Beans….now what?  By now, many area fields have some lodging….some area fields were lodging already at the beginning of August.  Usually white mold tags along with the lodging.  How do we improve efficiency for harvesting lodged soybeans?    How much yield are you losing from lodging?   How do you minimize harvest losses?  To find these answers click the following link on Lodge Soybean Recommendations

Prioritizing Harvest!

Like most years, the extremes in weather (drought conditions, lack of sunlight, late drought and heat stress, etc.) in 2023 has the potential to influence late-season stalk quality.  Stalk rots appear each year with varying degrees of severity. They are caused primarily by fungi and bacteria, but they can also result from environmental stresses. When these diseases or conditions happen, they weaken or destroy vascular tissue in the stalk, and the plant cannot transport water or carbohydrates effectively, which ultimately results in premature plant death and reduced grain fill.    With this being said, keep in mind dryland acres and corners as these will be some of the first to lodge or to drop ears from moisture stress.   Watch for those fields that lose staygreen quickly, or that have ears droop suddenly, as these are signs of premature plant death.  The longer the plant stays green, the better the standability will be as harvest progresses.

New Corn Hybrids and Soybean Series


The above photos are some of the new hybrids for 2024 with a couple of the leader products from the show plot.  For 2024, Pioneer has over seven new corn hybrids across the 105-114 day maturities.  The photos above show some of these new products.  They offer excellent drought tolerance with a couple of new AquaMax hybrids as well as good disease tolerance such as Goss’s Wilt and Grey Leaf Spot, with very good staygreen and improved brittle scores….in both AM, AML, & Qrome technology.   These are some numbers to watch as harvest progresses.  Notice also the new hybrid numbering system for 2024 and beyond.  New hybrids will have 5 numbers now (running out of numbers again), however, as currently, the first two numbers will tell hybrid maturity.

Also, a brand new series of  Enlist Pioneer soybeans will be launched later this fall.  It is the next generation in soybean breeding, bringing a step change in yield with continued industry-leading agronomic traits and disease tolerance.

Thanks for reading!  Please let us know any questions or concerns or comments you may have.   Let us know how we can help as harvest gets going!  Thanks for your support!

Starman Seed Service, Inc.


Often times the last 2 minutes of a football game decides the winner….so too, the last few weeks of the growing season are important to finishing the crop and getting the best yield possible…


  • Growing Degree Unit Update/Weather Forecast
  • Crop Update – Water, Disease


As of August 30th, we have accumulated approximately the following for Growing Degree Units in 2023:

Planting Date     GDD’s2023          Average GDD     Departure from average

April 17                   2602                           2533                               +69 (+ 3 days)

April 26                  2558                            2474                               +84 (+ 4 days)

May 9                      2427                           2365                               +62 (+ 3 days)

June 1                     2064                           2072                                -8 (even)

The heat of the last two weeks has really moved things along.  From being 2-3 days behind normal in the first half of August, we are now 3-4 day ahead, which means we have gained almost a week in GDU accumulation over the past two weeks.   From the last update on August 22nd, we are averaging almost 25 GDu’s/day…normal is around 20-22/day for this time of year.  Even the June planted crop has reached parity to normal.  We are seeing this gain due to average high temperatures over this time period being 4-5 degrees above normal and average nightime temperatures averaging 2-3 degrees above normal.   This also increased the amount of stress the crop has been under, compounded by lack of moisture….



The above maps are the 6-10 and 8-14 day temperature and precipitation forecasts, published date is August 30th.  Note that the forecast is for continued much above normal temps and normal to below normal precip.  Keep in mind that normal September precip is around 2.5″ for the month.  The crop will continue to progress quicker than average, which means harvest is fast-approaching….

Current Corn Conditions…..

  • Much of the corn crop is as follows:  April planting dates – 103-110 day hybrids at 1/4-2/3 milk lines with 112-118 day hybrids at 1/8 to 1/2.   May planting dates are 1/4 to 1/3 for the most part.  Majority of crop is 1/4 to 2/3 milk line.   Interestingly, this is a little behind last year on stage-of-growth, even though we are even on GDU’s with 2022.  I think this has to with the cold conditions at planting for most of April into early May.  The crop sat in the ground for awhile; so even though GDU’s accumulated says the crop should be close to maturity, the crop itself is not as far along as GDU accumulation says it should be.  This would be especially true on no-till vs. tilled soils.  As an example, we were into a plot (108-112 day hybrids) this afternoon planted April 26th, no-tilled, and most hybrids were only 1/4 milk….
  • Using the above GDU numbers, how do we shake out on GDU accumulation vs. crop progress?  Using the April 26th planting date from above, we have accumulated enough GDU’s to black layer (by the book) many 103-106 day hybrids and even some early-silking mid-season hybrids.  However, no field in the area is black-layered yet…even a field of P0622AML planted on April 17th, (which that figure is 50+ GDU’s over what the book says this hybrid should finish at) is only 2/3-3/4 milk line.  GUD accumulation over the next 7-10 days should add 200+ GDU’s, which would be enough to finish out 112-116 day maturities.  It is not uncommon to have the crop crop ‘stall out’ at 1/3-1/2 milk line and ‘sit’ so to speak.  Usually this is good for yield, test weights, etc.  The last few weeks of grain fill are important to test weight, grain quality and kernel depth.  Keeping the comments in mind from the above first bullet point in mind, we are potentially looking at another 2 weeks of grain fill on many fields yet. However, will the heat of this weekend ‘push’ the crop too fast and will we get another two weeks….time will tell….
  • Staygreen in the irrigated is holding up for now, but starting to see some ears droop on the irrigated.  Most irrigated came through the heat of last week in pretty good shape, however, we will see what this weekend’s heat brings.   Last week put stress on the crop regardless, it remains to be seen if more heat (and wind and low humidity) compounds the earlier heat and pushes the crop in some spots ‘over-the-edge’….
  • Sunlight:  Since last update, we have been running 6-8% above normal for solar radiation, this has been a positive to plant health and grain color (test weight).  Overall, sunlight for 2023 grain fill has been similar to 2022 but the periods of sunlight have been at different time periods of the grain fill from year-to-year.  Sunlight plays a huge role in grain yield (kernel size…test weight, etc.) and plant health.    Having above normal sunlight is always a positive thing.  The trend is positive for continued good sunlight to finish grain fill….
  • Corn Disease:  Since last update, relative humidity has been slightly below normal.   This has helped keep corn diseases in check and has slowed down somewhat the White Mold in soybeans.  Main corn diseases in corn right now are Goss’s Wilt in fields that saw the heaviest hail damage from July and Northern Corn Leaf Blight spreading in those hybrids that have low tolerance to this disease and were not treated with a fungicide earlier.  Gray Leaf Spot has been very light so far.  We have yet to find Tar Spot in area fields, but it would not surprise me if there was a little around.  It was recently observed in Clay county Nebraska, which is the furthest west the disease has been found in NE so far.
  • Soybean Disease: biggest disease issue in soybeans is White Mold.  We are seeing the heaviest White Mold infestations since the mid-2010’s.  Weather conditions in late-July and early-August are very important to how severe this disease will be.  It is favored by wet, humid, cool conditions in late-July and early August…all of which we had during that time frame.  in other words, environment was very conducive to the outbreak of this disease.  The following maps will highlight this even more.
  •        The first map shows the total precipitation by climate district from July 1 to August 14.  From the map we can see that Northeast NE saw the 9th wettest out of the last 131 years during this time period….so first condition, wet, humid turned true (thankfully so though considering how dry we were before this and how dry we are now).  The second map shows average temperature ranks by climate district.  Here, Northeast NE saw the 92nd coolest period out of the last 131 years….second condition met…cool temps.  All of this allowed for high development of this disease and increased potential for plant lodging which compounds things even further.  Add this to a low tolerant variety and/or no fungicide application, and infestation levels turned out high.  From our observations, timely applications of Aproach fungicide has offered good control and slowed the disease down.  See photo…. this photo shows P25A16E Enlist next to P25A04X Xtend soybeans.  Two different growers but both fields side-by-side.  P25A04X has good tolerance rating and that field was treated 2 times, but with a different product than Aproach.  The P25A16E’s were treated twice at 9oz rate with Aproach.  As you can see in the photo, the P25A16’s look green and clean compared to the A04’s.   In heavy pressure White Mold years, what product one uses to give control is a very big deal….
  • Watering:  As one would expect, the heat of the last two weeks has increased ET rates.  One only has to look at some area dryland to see that’s the case as well.  For perspective, see the following map.    This map is the precipitation rank by climate district for the past two weeks.  Northeast NE has had the driest on record for this time frame.   Couple this with the above normal temps, and we can see why dryland has been hurt and starting to see ear droppage in some irrigated corn fields.  Table below shows the approximate amount of water needed to reach maturity.  Keep in mind that temperatures and Relative Humidity play a role in these amounts.   We are still needing another circle into next week for most late-April, May planting dates…especially with the continued heat….

Current Soybean Conditions…..

  • Soybeans are beginning to turn in much of the area, mainly the early-group II varieties.   Much of the crop is in the late-R6 stage of growth.   It is possible that some irrigated acres could be ready to harvest in the next 14 days if current weather conditions continue.   Dryland corners are also turning fast now or almost finished depending upon area…keep these in mind for possible early harvest as well.
  • Dectes Stem Borer.        This insect enters the plant at a node and proceeds to ‘hollow out’ the stem leading to early plant death.   So far not much one can do in the way of management for this insect yet.  We saw a high incidence of this insect in our area a couple of years ago.   Expectations are that we will have higher levels this year.   Keep this in mind as harvest approaches….timely harvest will limit the economic impact of this insect.
  • For more info see the following link….Dectes Stem Borer in Soybeans
  • The picture below shows the stage of growth for early R6 soybeans through R7.  The chart below shows water needs to finish for soybeans.    Most fields are in the R6.5 to R6.8 stage at present which still means 2-3″ of water to finish.   Soybeans are still pulling harder than corn right now.


New Corn/Soybeans from Pioneer:

  The photo is from the 2023 Pioneer Show plot.  There are 7+ new corn hybrids for our area going into 2024.  If you would like to go through the plot, please contact us and we will be happy to take you through.  Also, expect to hear more as fall progresses on the next series of soybeans from Pioneer….the next series will be launched this fall.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.   Thanks for giving us the opportunity to be a part of your farming operation!

Starman Seed Service, Inc.


Last few days we’ve experienced an old-time August heatwave and blowtorch….


  • Growing Degree Unit Update/Weather Forecast
  • Crop Update – Water, Disease
  • Corn/Soybean Insect Update


As of August 22nd, we have accumulated approximately the following for Growing Degree Units in 2023:

Planting Date     GDD’s2023          Average GDD     Departure from average

April 21                   2403                           2371                               +33 (+ 1.5 days)

April 28                  2359                            2359                               +47 (+1.5 days)

May 9                      2228                           2203                               +25 (+ 1 day)

June 5                     1770                           1839                                 -69 (-2.5 days)

Since the last update on August 14th, we have gained 1-2 days over the normal which stands to reason for the heat we’ve been experiencing.  I put the June date in the table for those acres that were planted following rye, etc.; here we still run 2-3 days behind normal which is somewhat of a concern as we head into September both for frost and just overall grain fill.


The above maps show the 6-10 and 8-14 day temperature and precipitation forecasts.   After a brief cool down this weekend, the short term forecasts are for higher than normal temps and with below normal precip.  In other words, what we saw for much of June.  This will help keep the crop moving and provide good solar radiation, but timely irrigation will still have to be in the mix over the next couple of weeks.

Crop & Weather Update:

  • Much of the corn crop in the area is at 1/8 to 1/4 to 1/3 milk line depending upon planting date and hybrid maturity.  This is similar to slightly ahead of 2022.  Soybeans are in the R6 (Full Seed) stage with some early planted plus early maturity varieties starting to get that off green color.  For the most part the irrigated crop has weathered the heat pretty well so far….dryland, another story….
  • Temperature forecasts over the next 15 days (out to Sep 6) are predicted to give us 350-370 GDU’s.  Add this to the above GDU numbers and we have the April planting date showing over 2700 GDUs and the May 9 showing over 2600.  These numbers are enough to mature much of the 103-111 day maturities.  However, with the cooler temps at planting time delaying emergence, I would not expect fields to be mature on these dates even though the GDU accumulation says it should be….besides the longer we can extend grain fill, the heavier the test weights and the deeper the kernel which all adds up to increased yield….and better standability for harvest….   At this rate, harvest could come quicker than one thinks….
  • Something to keep in mind as we finish out the next few weeks…. for 250-300 bu. each day from R4 (Dough) to the end is worth 3.5-4 bushels. At half milk line (R5.5), it’s still accumulating up to 2 bu/day of kernel weight. At R5.5, you want to see green stalks to the ground, and green leaves from the ear to the top of the plants.   In other words, the goody (or ‘how much profit’) is still being determined over these weeks….don’t shutoff to early…
  • Sunlight has greatly improved over the last 7-10 days.  We are running 3-5% above normal for solar radiation during this time period.   This should be very positive for test weights and plant health (keep in mind here the green stalks and leaves from above comment).  So far, early grain color looks good, so this is good sign for test weight and overall grain quality.
  • Water needs: As expected, ET rates for corn and soybeans have been higher than normal over the past week, averaging .35-.36/day.   This is .08-.09/day higher than average.  The past two high heat days alone have been .40+/day.  Thankfully we received the rains we did in July or we would not have been able to get through the past week or so.  This has been really hard on the dryland, both corn and soybeans.  Below chart shows total water needs for corn during these last growth stages.    One positive is that most irrigated soil moisture profiles in the heavy soils are in good shape if irrigation has occurred over the past week….this means not that many circles are left, but we don’t have enough in the profile to finish the crop like we would want it to finish.  At R6, soybeans still need 2-3 inches of water to finish and they have been pulling harder than corn.  All of these figures are dependent upon temperature and humidity.
  •     These two maps show the latest drought monitor map for Nebraska and soil moisture percentile deficit for the western corn belt.  While this is just FYI, please note that, while drought conditions have improved, our subsoil profile overall is still below normal for much of Nebraska and Iowa and the north eastern corn belt.
  • Disease Update: Corn – overall leaf disease pressure continues to be minimal, however, Goss’s Wilt has increased over the past two weeks, mainly in those areas hit with hail and wind back in July, but is starting to show up in other areas as well.  Bacterial Leaf Streak has slowed down over the past few weeks.   We have not observed any Tar Spot in the area as of yet.  Northern Corn Leaf Blight is still active in low amounts in those hybrids that are less tolerant to the disease.   Other than the hailed areas, most of these diseases are coming in late enough to have very little impact on yield.  Soybeans – White Mold continues to spread throughout much of the area, in both heavy and sandy soils.  Disease is showing up mainly in lower areas of the field and those areas and varieties prone to lodging.  Some fields are pretty heavily infested.  As in the past, many factors influence this disease such as planting date, early irrigation, fungicide application and/or timing, and varietal tolerance.  SDS also continues to increase in the area.  Again, many factors influence this disease such as soil conditions at planting, early stress that hampers root development and varietal tolerance.  High-rate Ilevo seed treatment works very well on this disease….we see very low levels of SDS in those fields treated for SDS.

Corn & Soybean Insect Update

  • Spider Mites are starting to increase in area corn fields, especially those treated with for corn rootworm beetles, etc.  Keep an eye on this insect as there are a couple of isolated fields that are showing heavier pressures.  This insect really blew up quickly with the hot and drier conditions.  Most area fields (and crop maturity) should be fine; however, this insect bears monitoring as they can increase in population quickly under these conditions.  If you are finding colonies up to the ear leaf or higher and plants are starting to wither because of the insect, treatment may be warranted yet depending upon stage of growth of the crop.  See link for more info: Spider Mite Management in Corn
  • Dectes Stem Borer numbers in area fields are higher than they have been in the past.  In fact, some areas that appear to be SDS have more damage from this insect than the disease.  This insect will be heaviest on field borders, and main impact from this insect is loss of yield at harvest time from stems breaking off and no longer able to be harvested.  This year we are seeing the heaviest levels and most widespread area that we have yet seen out of this insect in our area.  Best management practice is early harvest before the stems get dry and brittle, keep this in mind as harvest nears.  See the link for more info: Dectes Stem Borer in Soybeans 

Reminder that the Pioneer Plot Tour is scheduled for Wednesday evening, August 3oth with meal @ 6:30pm and plot tour @ 7pm.  Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.  Thank you for the support!!

Starman Seed Service, Inc.





  • Growing Degree Unit Update
  • Quick Crop Update/Water Use/Weather
  • Corn/Soybean Insect Update


As of August 13th, we have accumulated approximately the following for Growing Degree Units in 2023:

Planting Date     GDD’s2023          Average GDD     Departure from average

April 21                   2192                           2178                               +16 (+ .5 day)

April 28                  2148                            2119                               +29  (+1 day)

May 9                      2017                            2010                               +17  (+ .5 day)

Our trend for GDU accumulation has been very much like it has been over the past month or so.  From July to now we have had cooler temperatures, which has offset the warmer temps end of May through June, so that we currently are experiencing normal growth.  We can see this in the following two maps for departure from normal for average high and average low temperatures over the past two weeks:

Lower overall temperatures have meant less stress on the crop and lower ET rates (more on this below), however night time temps have stayed slightly above normal which has kept us from losing ground during these cooler temps.   The GDU numbers above are 1-2 days behind 2022 just for reference.    So, what is the upcoming forecast?:


The above maps are the 6-10 day and 8-14 day temperature and precipitation forecasts.  As you can see from the maps, it appears that temps are going to warm up significantly and precip will be normal….which is the best of both worlds considering the recent rains we have had.  Hopefully this forecast will give us more sun over the next two weeks as well…

  • Crop conditions: Much of the Corn crop in the area is in the late-Dough to Beg. Dent stage, with some early maturity hybrids just showing the beginnings of a milk line.  Soybeans are in the R5(Beg. Seed) to late-R5 to almost R6(full seed).  These stages-of-growth track with the above GDU accumulation as average and very similar to 2022 at this time.
  • Relative Humidity – Over the past two weeks, RH has been running normal to above normal.   Average RH has been 72% which is slightly above normal.  For reference again, last year during this same time period, RH was averaging 61%   This has influenced a couple of things, both opposite of the past couple of years for August.  Higher RH has lead to increased disease in soybeans (though not so much yet in corn) and lowered average ET rates (see next bullet point).
  • ET rates – ET rates over the past 14 days have averaged .24″/day, or 3.3″ total for this period.   This figure is .03/day behind the average of .27/day.  Again, for reference, during this same time period in 2022, average ET rate was .285/day.  We are currently using 15% less water than last year at this time with a crop at the same stage-of-growth.  This has helped out with irrigation as well as increasing the efficiency of the recent rains.  However, temperatures are predicted to warm back up and humidity is forecasted to be lower which will increase ET rates again to more normal to slightly-above normal.  See tables below for Water Use for soybeans and corn as we head into the last half of grain fill.  Corn and soybean needs are still for 6-8″ to finish depending upon planting date and stage-of-growth.
  • Precipitation – After the last two years of very little to no rainfall, we are experiencing in our area some beautiful rains.   See map below:
  • As you can see from the map, our area has been blessed with significant rains that other areas to the west and south have not had….   August rains usually make dryland beans, we will see.  Some dryland areas have already been hurt from the dry conditions in June to where these later rains are not going to help them that much….it was just to hot and dry in June for the plant to recover fully with July/August rainfall…especially in tilled vs. no-tilled conditions.
  • Sunlight – As always sunlight becomes a huge player during grain-fill for both yield and late-season plant health.   Sunlight over the past 14 days and the past 28 days has been slightly below normal.  This is the first negative rend we have had over the past two years.  Sunlight over the past 10 days has been 5-8% below normal.  Last year at this time, we were running 5% above normal.  A lot of sunny days are forecasted over the next 10-14.  Hopefully that happens!  SUN MAKES CORN!!….
  • Diseases – So far corn diseases have not greatly increased in the area, which is a good thing considering the cool/wet conditions and higher RH as of late.  So far really just seeing Gray Leaf Spot starting to come in on lower leaves in some fields.  Also, we continue to see Northern Corn Leaf Blight lesions show up in hybrids that are not as tolerant to this disease…this bears watching if temps stay cool, but if temps rise like predicted, they should slow this disease down.  Also seeing Goss’s Wilt show up in the fields that experienced hail back in July.  Goss’s Wilt needs crop damage to occur for it to show up, which it did at the worst possible time for corn.  Mainly showing up in those hybrids not as tolerant to Goss’s Wilt.  Overall leaf disease pressure is currently low….For Soybeans, main diseases are White Mold and SDS.  Outbreaks of White Mold are the heaviest we have seen for a few years (so far heavier in sandier soils and more lodged plants), but are not at the levels we have experienced in past years.   I think this is attributable to increased fungicide treatments going on for this disease and Pioneer’s latest lineup of soybeans has greater tolerance to this disease.  Warmer temps and lower RH will greatly slow this disease down.   SDS continues to show up more and more each year.  We are seeing this disease show up in varieties that are not as tolerant to this disease and that were not treated with high-rate of Ilevo at planting….high-rate Ilevo does a nice job on this disease.
  • Spider Mites – Currently we are finding very little in the way of this insect versus the past two years, which is due to the cooler/wet conditions.  However, if temps increase, precip falls off, and RH is drier, we could still see isolated spots of this insect make an impact towards the end of grain fill.  Main fields to watch are those that were corn/corn and treated for rootworm beetles….these would be the first fields to flare…
  • European Corn Borer – Moth flight has been a little heavier this year versus last few years.  It will be worth your time to scout popcorn/conventional corn acres to see if this pest is at treatment levels.  Treatment for this pest should be on, or NEEDS to be on, this week.
  • Soybean pests – so far, insect activity in soybeans continues to be very light.   Just not seeing much for soybean aphids or bean leaf beetles so far.  Expectations for major outbreaks of these pests are low, or anything else in soybeans at this stage, are quite low….

Reminder that the Pioneer Customer Appreciation Supper is this Sunday evening, August 20th.  Pioneer warehouse – Elgin, NE….5:30-8:30.   Bring the family!   See you there!

All for now!  Thanks for your time!

Starman Seed Service, Inc.


PIONEER INNOVATION….What’s next happens here….


      • VORCEED


As of August 6th, we have accumulated approximately the following for Growing Degree Units in 2023:

Planting Date     GDU’s2023          Average GDU     Departure from average

April 17                   2039                          2020                              + 19 (+ .75 day)

April 26                  1995                           1961                                +34  (+1.5 day

May 9                     1864                           1852                                +12 (+ .5 days)

We have not lost any ground versus the last update one week ago.  Average GDU accumulation/day last seven days is 23/day.   Forecasted daily GDU accumulation for next 15 days is the same – 23.  Night time temps have helped with GDU accumulation as they are running 2-4 degrees above average, whereas, daytime temps are 2-4 degrees below average.


The above maps are the 6-10 & 8-14 day temperature and precipitation forecasts.  As one can see, temperatures are forecasted to be continue to be below normal through mid-August with normal to above normal precipitation.  This means less stress on the crop and lower ET rates overall for both corn and soybeans.  The bigger potential for impact on overall yield over the next few weeks will be the continued reduced sunlight and high humidity.  This will play a bigger role as we move further into grain fill.


New technology offerings from Pioneer for the 2024 growing season!  Pioneer will introduce three new technology offerings for 2024:


  • Powercore is the name of the new offering for ‘double-stack’ hybrids – what are currently AM products.
  • Powerecore will offer 3 modes of action for above-ground pests….current offering only has 2 MOA’s.
  • MOA’s will be current Herculex I plus two new modes-of-actions.  Powerecore offers a single MOA for Black Cutworm that VT Double Pro does not.
  • Powercore will also offer 4 MOA’s for herbicide tolerance – Enlist (2,4-D choline) – Liberty – Roundup – Assure II.   This will offer more options for herbicide and greater flexibility, something that the competitor’s Double PRO hybrids do not offer.   All Powercore hybrids will have the Enlist technology.  Current herbicide programs can be used on all of these products as well.
  • Powercore Ultra is the same as Powercore, but it offers protection against Corn Earworm and Western Bean Cutworm and is equivalent to current AML products.
  • Bottom line….Pioneer’s current lineup of top-yielding hybrids, with industry-leading agronomics and seed treatments, will now include Powercore technology that will offer enhanced pest control as well as more herbicide options and greater flexibility.


  • Vorceed is the name of the new offering that enables multi-year flexibility to manage corn rootworm (CRW) acres through more options than any other CRW product.
  • Vorceed has 6 MOA’s to control insects….3 above ground and 3 below ground.
  • Vorceed includes all of the benefits of Qrome plus:
        • new RNAi technology for CRW control
        • Enlist herbicide tolerance.
  • Testing shows that Vorceed will give 98% control of adult corn rootworm beetles.  This will be a game-changer versus current technology.
  • Vorceed will also (like Powercore), offer 4 MOA’s for herbicide tolerance.  Again, offering more options and flexibility versus 2 MOA’s from the competitor’s SmartStax Pro.

All of these offerings will be available across the whole of Pioneer’s lineup of diverse, high-yielding genetics.


Enlist Herbicide System:


These two photos show the Enlist system in corn.  Photo on left is small plot with front pass of Enlist + RR – middle pass with Enlist+Liberty+RR – back pass is untreated.  Photo on right shows the field pressure in the untreated area.  Herbicide performance looked good.


The above photos show the affect of 2,4-D on brace roots on Enlist and non-Enlist corn at a 2X rate of Enlist.  Note the damage to the non-Enlist brace roots vs. the no damage on the Enlist corn.  We have always been concerned with growth regulator damage to seed and early root development, however this technology will eliminate that, giving more flexibility and less crop damage for weed burndown on no-till acres, whether preplant or pre-emerge applications.  Normally, we have to make sure the seed is planted minimum of 2″ deep, that it is germinated, and the seed trench is fully closed before spraying a growth regulator as this will cause injury to the seed and impact crop emergence and early root development.  With the Enlist technology there will be no damage to the corn plant, meaning better application timing and potential use of the higher labeled rates of 2,4-D for increased weed control.  Another benefit of this technology is that it can be post-sprayed up to 28″ tall corn with no increased risk of brittle plants…something we currently deal with from post-applications of growth regulators.

This technology is also resistant to FOP herbicides like Assure II.  Note what happened to non-Enlist corn in the above photo.  This will offer volunteer corn control in corn-on-corn acres and help with certain grasses that are becoming resistant to Roundup.  Select will still be able to be used to control volunteer corn in soybeans that have the Enlist technology.


There has been a lot of buzz in the market as of late about ‘short corn.’  Pioneer is very much working in this area.  The below photos show you some of the early work on this from Pioneer.


The plants shown in the photo are the same hybrid…the plants on the right are the current, normal hybrid and the plants on the left are the same hybrid using reduced stature breeding (the ‘old man’ in the picture is just their for reference LOL).  The plant stage of growth for hybrid was approximately 4 leaves away from tassel, or V13-14.

Pioneer’s reduced stature corn is coming to the market different than the competitor.  While Bayer is using a GMO gene in there ‘short corn’, Pioneer’s is non-GMO.  Pioneer is using a dominant dwarf gene that they have found.  This gene is giving a 25% reduction in ear height and an 33% reduction in plant height.  Pioneer does have certain standards that they will maintain when pursing this breeding, such as a maintaining a minimum ear height of 24″ above the ground.   When looking at the plot, canopy closure looked pretty similar between the two strips.  This plant breeding has many practical uses, from less residue in corn-on-corn acres to improved green snap tolerance and late-season standability….even possible improved irrigation efficiency for drop nozzles.  It will come with all current and future technology traits.

Pioneer is planning Reduced Stature corn to be commercialized in 2025.   One advantage to not using a GMO.

What’s next happens here….

Please let us know any questions or comments you may have.  Thank you for your support!

Starman Seed Service, Inc.










– Growing Degree Day Update/Forecast Maps

– What’s going on in my fields?…..Corn Development, ET rates, Disease, etc. 

– Insect Update

– Soybean Development


As of July 30th, we have accumulated approximately the following for Growing Degree Units in 2023:

Planting Date     GDD’s2022          Average GDD     Departure from average

April 17                  1878                           1855                                + 23 (+ 1 day)

April 26                  1834                          1796                                +38  (+1.5 days)

May 9                     1703                           1687                                +16 (+ .5 days)

We see from the above numbers that we continue to track normal for GDU accumulation since the last update on July 12th.  In fact, we are tracking very similar to 2022.  The next two week forecast, however, is for cooler temps….


These maps are the 6-10 and 8-14 day forecasts for temperature and precipitation.  Our area is predicted to be below normal for temperatures and slightly above normal precipitation.  We continue to receive much needed rainfall, however, crop development will slow down over the next two weeks if this forecast is correct.

WHAT’S GOING ON IN MY FIELD?…..Corn Development, Disease, Crop Water Use..

Most of the corn crop is in the late-R2 (Blister Kernel) to early-R3 (Milk) to R3 (Milk) stage.  The heat last week really pushed the crop along.  The late planted fields (ie. after rye, etc.), are just starting to tassel.

  • Pollination overall seems to be good so far.   Finding the usual checkerboard pattern on the butt of the ear in some fields, but overall looks good.
  • Plant height this year seems to be normal….taller than last year, but not as tall as two years ago.
  • At R1, potassium uptake is essentially complete, and nitrogen and phosphorous uptake are rapid.  Last round of N should be going on this week.  
  • Blister Kernel occurs approx. 10-14 days after Silking.  Starch has begun to accumulate in the watery endosperm and the kernels are beginning a period of rapid, steady, dry matter accumulation that will continue until physiological maturity in approx. 50-60 days after silking.
  • At Blister Kernel, maximum ear length is achieved.  Although not as severe as at Silking, stress over the next two weeks can still have a profound effect on yield through kernel abortion, which is why this last rain was such a Godsend….
  • Kernel abortion from stress can occur through the Milk stage(18-22 days after silking), however when the plant reaches Dough, kernel abortion will no longer take place, and any yield reduction from then on out will be from lower test weight.  We are currently in the ‘tip-back’ stage of growth and it will be a week or so to see how well the plant will ‘hold’ kernels per row.  Temperature and sunlight will play a role here….
  • As far as sunlight is concerned, we are currently running about 12% percent below normal over the last 14 days (last year at this time we were 10% below normal), or from V16-Early Milk.  Sunlight, of course, is now a much bigger yield factor, since we are now beginning the crucial grain fill period.   As such, how much sunlight and when it occurs during the grain-fill period, will play a role in overall yield and late-season plant health.   Lack of sunlight early in the grain fill period (i.e. right now) can increase potential for the ear to tip back.
  • Extra stress will occur if sunlight is reduced and temps (especially nighttime) are higher than average (which is not predicted).  This stress occurs because, since temps are high (especially nighttime temps), the energy demand on the plant is higher than average; couple this with reduced photosynthesis, and this leads to greater energy in the plant just going to maintain itself and not to filling the ear.  It is an axiom in corn production that when you have to run your air conditioner at night, it is not good corn growing weather.
  • Relative Humidity over the past two weeks has been 9% above normal, with a daily average of 74% RH during this time frame.   While this leads to decreased ET rates; it increases the potential for more disease in corn and soybeans.
  • ET rates for the past 15 days have been averaging .27 inch/day, which is normal.  This is .04 inches/day below 2022.   Total ET usage over the past 14 days has been 3.83″.   The rains, indeed, were a blessing!!   The forecasted cooler temps will keep overall ET rates normal to slightly below normal….keep in mind corn at Blister Kernel is average of .28/inch per day and Milk stage is .25″/day in normal weather.  Soybeans are now at peak usage at R3-R4 stage….over .30 inch/day normal.  Maintaining an adequate soil moisture profile will be key over the next three weeks or so.   As you think about irrigation needs over the next two weeks, keep temperatures and relative humidity in mind as we move forward to see what actually occurs to help reduce potential water stress or potential over watering.  If dew points are low (dry mornings), that means relative humidity is low, and ET rates will stay up higher than normal.  On the flip side, if heat indices are high in which a 95 degree actual temperature feels like 110 degrees (which is what we experienced last week), then relative humidity is high and ET rates will be average to below average.  Forecasts for this week are calling for normal temperatures and higher humidity….
  • So far corn leaf diseases continue to be on the low side, however, we expect that to change over the next few weeks if the above forecasts are true.  Seeing mainly Bacterial Leaf Streak, which has increased quite a bit over the last two weeks.   Some fields showing first grey leaf spot as well, and we have seen a few Northern Corn Leaf Blight lesions around.  Starting to see some Goss’s Wilt show up in those fields which had the worst hail from a few weeks ago.     Crop Focus – Northern Corn Leaf Blight
  • Fungicide application should be on, or going on now, and into next week on the later planted fields.  You want to protect the plant when it is working the hardest, which is silking through milk stage (which is  NOW!).  Reminder, a fungicide will not help control Goss’s Wilt or Bacterial leaf streak.


  • Much of the crop is in the late-R3(pod set) to R4(full pod) stage of growth.  Some fields are starting the R5 (Beg. Seed) stage.  This is ahead of normal in my opinion.   The heat has also pushed the soybeans along.   Overall plant height will be tall…the beans have really taken off as of late.  Keep this in mind when irrigating….
  • Peak water use, nutrient demand, and overall energy demand in the plant occurs at R3 and into R4 stage….i.e. right now and into the next few weeks!
  • ET rates in soybeans reach peak at R3 into R4 stage (.30+ in/day) and will continue to stay high through R6(full seed).    See comments above on corn ET rates, as the same applies for soybeans.  One will need to be careful not to water constantly to help reduce disease potential (see below on white mold) due to a constantly ‘wet canopy’.   If White Mold becomes a problem, it will be best to water at night and leave off during the day so the canopy has some chance to dry out.    In heavy soils, when irrigation is needed, we recommend running a heavy irrigation amount (.80 to inch+) and then leaving it sit for a while.
  • We are seeing first signs of White Mold in many area fields, more so than we have seen in the past few years.  Weather conditions of the past few weeks have been conducive for development of this disease.  If the above forecasts hold true, expect a much heavier outbreak of White Mold this year versus past few years.   Any 2nd treatments for White Mold need to go on at R3 and should really be on by now.   See the attached link for White Mold management.    Managing White Mold in Soybeans    We recommend Aproach or Delaro fungicide for any white mold control.   High temps and dry mornings will slow the disease down.
  • Sudden Death Syndrome – also seeing our first plants with SDS.  This disease is showing up in the usual spots….low areas, compacted, poor drainage….
  • Enlist E3 Soybeans – Below are some pictures of Enlist soybean fields in the area.  After some cupping from Atmospheric Dicamba, many Enlist fields are looking very strong….
  • Enlist E3 soybean field video…
  • Enlist E3 Weed control system also looks good so far…..    Photo shows excellent control versus the buffer zone around a well-head….

INSECT UPDATE – Corn & Soybeans

  • Keep scouting for Western Bean Cutworm larvae.  Moth flight has been lower overall versus last few years and infestation levels have been on the low side, just enough to warrant treatments in most sandy fields.   From GDU data, we expect that the flight is 80-90%% complete.  Any potential treatments should be on, or going on ASAP, as we are now finding small larvae on the ear tips, on top of the silks.  Any delay in treating, and they will be too far into the ear tip for control.  Keep in mind your June planted corn fields….
  • With cooler and wetter conditions, Grasshopper numbers have decreased dramatically….
  • We are just starting to see the first 2nd brood ECB moths start to fly.  Keep this insect in mind on your conventional and popcorn acres over the next two weeks.
  • Overall insect pressure in soybeans has been very light.   Very little defoliation going on yet.  Begin scouting for Bean Leaf Beetles as they will begin feeding on developing pods over the next few weeks.  So far we are not finding any Soybean Aphids.   If you have made an insecticide application already, or are going to, this should give you season long control unless a severe outbreak of one of these insects occurs.
  • Dectes Stem Borer – be on the lookout for this insect starting now and into harvest.  We saw quite a bit of this in our area last year, especially south and east of Elgin.  We have seen the adult beetles in some area fields over the past few weeks.  Watch field edges first and let us know if you are seeing wilted and dying plants as they move in from the grassy edges.  If you see this, keep these fields in mind for earlier harvest.  Dectes Stem Borer in Soybeans
  • Seeing a few small colonies of Corn Leaf Aphids(dark green aphid) in area corn fields.   They tend to proliferate under cooler and damper conditions, so we may see their numbers increase in the area.   They are not an economic concern, but you may begin to notice them as you walk through your fields.
  • So far not seeing much for Spider Mite colonies.  However, if temperatures turn out as forecasted (cooler temps and higher relative humidity), infestation levels should be on the light side.  Keep an eye out for this insect over the next month or so.

Please mark your calendar for the Pioneer Annual Customer Appreciation Supper  which is set for Sunday, August 20th.  Invite will be coming out soon!  The Pioneer Plot Tour will be, Wednesday, August 30th.

Please contact us with any questions or comments you may have!   Thank you for your business!!

Starman Seed Service, Inc.