Entries by johnstarman

AGRONOMIC UPDATE – July 27, 2022….From tall to short height…

Topics: – Growing Degree Day Update/Forecast Maps – What’s going on in my fields?…..Corn Development, ET rates, Disease, etc.  – Insect Update – Soybean Development TEMPERATURES & GDU ACCUMULATION: As of July 26th, we have accumulated approximately the following for Growing Degree Units in 2022: Planting Date     GDD’s2022          Average GDD     Departure from […]

AGRONOMIC UPDATE – JULY 13, 2022….the beat goes on….

Fun fact: A single tassel produces approximately 5+ million pollen grains…. Topics: – Growing Degree Day Update/Forecast Maps – Corn Plant Height…no two years alike – What’s going on in my fields?…..Corn Development, etc.  – Fungicide/Disease in Corn – Insect Update – Soybean Development As of July 12th, we have accumulated approximately the following for […]

AGRONOMIC UPDATE – APRIL 14, 2022….Cool, dry place….

Many items say to store them in a ‘cool, dry place’….right now, our soils would appear to qualify for that ‘cool, dry’ place…. With the 2022 Planting season upon us, we wanted to give a quick update as we begin planting. The 2022 planting season is coming with different challenges than the past few years, […]



November 11, 2021 2021 Harvest Newsletter 2021 has seen many ‘ups and downs’, however, one positive ‘up’ was excellent overall crop yields. GROWING SEASON REVIEW: Let’s look at some of the factors that played a role in the overall yields we saw this year.  We will look at some weather charts that will give us […]

AGRONOMIC UPDATE, SEPTEMBER 9, 2021…..The fields…they are ‘a changin’….

It won’t be long now and the combines will be rolling…..(don’t get nervous….not a current picture!) Topics: Growing Degree Day Update/Weather Update Current Corn Conditions…. Stalk Rots/ Windstorms/ Tall Ear Heights = Prioritizing Harvest! Current Soybean Conditions…. As of September 8th, we have accumulated approximately the following for Growing Degree Units in 2021: Planting Date     GDU’s2021  […]


  Just a Quick Agronomic Update….. Topics: – Growing Degree Unit Update – Quick Crop Update/Water Use/Weather – Corn/Soybean Insect Update GROWING DEGREE UNIT UPDATE As of August 16th, we have accumulated approximately the following for Growing Degree Days in 2021: Planting Date     GDU’s2021          Average GDU     Departure from average April 24    […]

AGRONOMIC UPDATE – AUGUST 6, 2021….those SMOKY days of summer….

Topics: – Growing Degree Unit Update – What’s Going On In My Fields?…..Corn Development, Sunlight, Crop Water Use, Disease, etc…. – Corn/Soybean Insect Update – Soybean Development – Disease and more…   GROWING DEGREE UNIT UPDATE As of August 5th, we have accumulated approximately the following for Growing Degree Days in 2021: Planting Date     GDU’s2021    […]

AGRONOMIC UPDATE – July 21, 2021….

Corn Fun Fact:  One acre of corn eliminates 8 tons of carbon dioxide from the air….that’s 1200T from a 150 acre field. Topics: – Growing Degree Day Update – What’s going on in my fields?…..Corn Development, Disease, Crop Water Use…. – Corn/Soybean Insect Update – Soybean Development – Disease and more… As of July 21st, […]