AGRONOMIC UPDATE: September 27, 2024….last one of the year….


As of September 26th, we have accumulated approximately the following for Growing Degree Units in 2024:

Planting Date     GDD’s2024          Average GDD                 Departure from average

April 23                   2777                         2680                                +97 (+6.5 days)

May 4                      2694                          2602                               + 92  (+6 days)

May 14                    2597                          2506                                +91 (+6 days)

As one can see from the above table, we are FINALLY above normal for GDUs’.  Last year at this time, we had 2858 using April 23rd planting date.  Other than lack of rainfall, the month of September has been good for finishing the crop.  So far, September has been the 30th hottest in the last 132 years.  For the most part, we also had abundant sunshine in September.  This really helped kernel depth and test weights.

  • Overall staygreen has been better than expected, with some fields still holding on to their color.  However, those fields that had high levels of Southern Rust and/or Tar Spot are now quickly losing color and should be on the list for early harvest.  Crown Rot is still prevalent in many fields, so continue to watch those fields that dropped ears quickly, or ‘turned overnight’, so to speak….
  • High moisture corn, if planning on using fields planted in April, should be coming out now, as moistures are dryer than one thinks…due to the warm, dry, low humidity September.  Seeing dryland fields coming out at 14-20% moistures.  Early test weights have been good….see photo for corn harvest drydown and measuring corn loss….
  • No trends for irrigated corn yields yet, but so far, early yields on dryland, heavy soils have been very good!
  • Soybean dryland yields have also been better than expected, considering no rain since July 1st for much of our area.  In those areas that received more rain, dryland yields are excellent.  Early irrigated yields are average to above average, but still to early for a trend….mostly early group II beans coming out yet, with some early planted 2.5’s starting to come out….see photo for soybean moisture impact on yield and effect of harvest delay on soybean yield losses.


Photo shows the Insect Protection Modes of Action and Herbicide Tolerance Modes of Action for the new Powercore and Vorceed technology, along with the top available hybrids (new and current) for 2025.

Z-Series Soybeans

Photo shows the advantages of planting Z-Series soybeans from Pioneer, as well as the top varieties for 2025 in Z-series.  Early performance on the Z-Series has been very good!

It’s fun and rewarding to see one’s hard work over the past year come to fruition at harvest time; however, please remember that the most important thing is to be around to take advantage of that hard work.  Please stay safe out there!  Have a safe and successful harvest!

Starman Seed & Supply, Inc.