Agronomic Update – May 14, 2020…Observations…

Some observations from scouting….

These photos illustrate some of what we are trying to accomplish by a quick circle of water on those heavy soils that are close to, or just emerging….especially corn/corn.   Notice the swelled mesocotyl and the coleoptile.  These plants just made it through the soil surface before they would’ve leafed out under ground.  This is a sandy soil…corn on corn….one tillage pass, so more hair-pinning of residue.   This is where a quick circle can help those plants that may be struggling to make it through…..may save 1000+ plants per acre possibly.  The field that these pictures come from was planted April 22-23, with a nice stand of 32-33 average on 33-34K drop….hybrid is P1082AM.

Picture of a plant with a corkscrewed mesocotyl from the recent cold temperatures.  This plant also, just broke the surface, however, in my experience this plant will always be behind the rest of the field.

Just a photo showing damage from the freeze.  Have not seen any lasting affects from the freeze so far on corn or soybeans.  In the photo, the soil surface is where the injured tissue is begins…the tissue is diseased now, but notice the green tip at the top of the plant….the plant is still trying to grow!

The power of the corn plant!  I am always amazed at what a corn plant will grow through!  You can see the dead tissue at the top of the plant from the freeze.   This plant is also a somewhat later emerged plant as the field is at V1 stage.  Here again, moisture was key to keeping this plant moving as planting depth and seed-soil contact was less than ideal….this slowed emergence down by itself…and lack of adequate moisture and the plant would not have emerged.

Thanks for reading….and let the sunshine and the heat continue!